
Showing posts from July 13, 2009

Early Beginnings.

At the tender age of 15, I, like any other teenager, wondered what life would hold, where I would end up and what I would do for a living one day. In the same year, my parents decided to buy a small holding in the Eastern Cape, close to Jefferey's Bay. As a family we used to pack all our necessities for a weekend trip to the farm. This enabled my Old man to start his new hobby, cattle farming. Now I never was a farmer, and to this day wouldn't want to be. We inherited this massive garden - of which I was entrusted to look after. My dad and I had an agreement that he'd mow the lawn while I look after the large beds which were designed and installed by the previous owner, a fine artist of note. Her attention to detail amazed me! I looked up to her as a child and always thought - If only I could paint like her! If only I could know plants like she does, and actually know exactly where to plant them! Ironically, her brother in Law was an expert landscape designer, working in It