
Showing posts from March 16, 2011

Re-use, Re-duce, Re-cycle!

I really admire those who make an effort to recycle. As my new year’s resolution I decided to commit to recycling our household material. I set out, hunting for my tri-colored bins labeled Glass and Tins, Paper and Plastics. Got back home, post an announcement on the Kitchen black board to PLEASE RECYCLE. To my amazement, things worked out well… until the bins had to be emptied…! I find it extremely annoying to drive to the suburb after the next, to take my three bags of waste to the recycling depot. It’s a hassle, and people do not like being hassled with yet another thing to add to their busy routine. On my Project however, I found that it actually simplifies things allot by grouping site refuse. I have created a system where we pile our refuse in groups according to their recycling attributes, and then deliver them by the load at the nearest recycling depot. Now I know that my plastic plant bags DON’T end up in landfills, but are re-used to make new ones. On average we use about a t
I found this interesting logo on the net... amazing how companies throughout the world are taking on the mammoth task of revolutionising the green industry. Every little bit helps - you too could make a difference!