
Showing posts from July 17, 2009

A Pot Full of Pansies

As a Landscape Designer, I’m often faced with the challenge of having to see beyond current circumstances. I often meet the clients when their homes have not even been built yet, having to figure out what the house will look like by reading the floor plans. Worse even, is seeing the site for the first time while the builders are still actively working on site. These building sites are enough to make anyone feel inadequate to design a masterpiece. About two weeks ago I was contacted by an Architect and his client who have exactly reached this point. A nightmare of a building site, which even with my seven years design knowledge made me feel incapable.The Architect, with his sharp humour and chuckles said “well, I’ve managed to come up with a plan up to where the house walls end. The rest is up to you”. With minimal input from the client, I could immediately see what type of person he was, and what his primary needs were. They even went as far as requesting that I plant some violas or pa